How to remove skype login history windows 7
How to remove skype login history windows 7

how to remove skype login history windows 7

  • Open a new Explorer window by pressing Win+E.
  • The folder in which Skype saves files by default is added to your Favorite Folders list, so that to go to it, you only need 2 easy steps: You can manage lists and navigate through folders contained in them using these buttons.

    how to remove skype login history windows 7

    The function of these buttons is very similar to the functions of any browser, as Favorite Folders is a list of your favorite folders (bookmarks) and compiled by you manually, and Recent Folders is the history of transfer to folders (browser history), compiled automatically. Access the Skype folder in 2 clicks using the Actual File Folders programįamiliar with this problem, Actual Tools offers Skype users a simple solution: the Actual File Folders utility, which will remember the location of the folder wh ere files are saved, and allows access to it in 2 clicks.Īfter installation, the utility adds to every window, whether it is Explorer, any Office application, or Open/Save dialog box of any application, two additional header buttons: Favorite Folders and Recent Folders. This method has some disadvantages: firstly, you can only use this method for a short time after receiving a file, and secondly, when receiving images, Skype will allow you to open a standard file viewer for Windows, but will not allow the option of showing the file in the folder.Ģ. Upon receipt of a file to Skype, right-click the mouse, and from the menu select "Show in folder". In order to quickly move to this folder, there are two relatively easy ways:ġ.

    how to remove skype login history windows 7

    With the latest updates, Skype no longer prompts the user to save a file somewhere, but immediately saves all files to a specially designated folder, and finding the folder to move files fr om it to another directory, or open them with an application other than that set by default, is sometimes a difficult task.īy default, this folder is located at the following address "C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\Skype\My Skype Received Files (without quotation marks), wh ere "%UserName%" is your user name.

    How to remove skype login history windows 7