Age of wonders 3 goblin warlord
Age of wonders 3 goblin warlord

Strategy for the first three scenarios in the Elf campaign ġ) Sundren 1: You will have a lot of opportunity to build up forces, and that's a good thing. I am trying several different tactics to see if I can do more than stalemate the computer at this point. I haven't cracked the Theocrat campaign level yet - it is extremely frustrating as you can't really Zerg rush too well AND hunkering down benefits the Dreadnaught more than it does the Theocrat.

age of wonders 3 goblin warlord

A five-man team of them can pretty much wreak havoc on enemy defenses pretty easily call lightning is a nice area effect with a reasonable cool-down and at later levels, they can entangle or even charm the occasional beast (though it is usually better to just kill the enemy. The ultimate, of course, is "The Horned God. In that vein you want to use "Summon Gargantuan Creature"quite a bit the Shock Serpents and Reed Serpents have great abilities, a phenomenal attack, and the "ferocious" aspect, making them difficult to counter by regular troops.

age of wonders 3 goblin warlord

This will keep a campaign going well into enemy territory as dead critters can be easily replaced if you can, press the enemy relentlessly especially if they lost a hero of their wizard. Here's what I've gleaned thus far:įirst, the druids lack for specialize 'built' units in favor of summoned units.

Age of wonders 3 goblin warlord